Monday, December 21, 2009

messy vs. clean

This desk belongs to Student A. It is neat, clean, and orderly. Twice a day, my students are asked to pick up under their desks and clear off the top of them.

This desk belongs to Student B. Student B seems to have missed the memo on clearing off the top of his desk and underneath it. Sometimes I think my words go in one ear and out the other in regards to Student B. Oh how I love Student B.


Beth Curtis said...

oh no! I think I am student B. I bet student B is a really nice person.

J and M K family said...

so.... student A is a girl.... and student B is a boy? Well there you have it. Makes perfect sense to me! But of course there are those few anomalies where its the other way around.

Tyler said...

Lawl. This is hilarious.

Kiki said...

can you please return Kai's twin to me? i didn't know he even existed, but the similarities are too striking to deny...

HAHA and my word verification is "Messes" to add this comment!

Kelsey Ann said...

Ha, it is amazing how some little kids don't listen. Maybe there was something better going on than to listen to their teacher. I would have listened because I am a kiss up, but I am just saying...