Monday, August 2, 2010

Year 2

Things I've learned about 1st graders so far:
-Neediest age group ever.
-In order to get anything done, I have to explain EVERY minute detail, including how to number a spelling test.
-They have to go to the bathroom literally every 5 min.
-Raising their hands is an impossibility at this point.
-They're real cute and I'm already in love with them.

Here's to year 2.


Dallin and Janelle Lewis said...

Cute! Good luck!

Kiki said...

you are a great teacher, i know it! i'll plan to find you when keo is in first grade. :)

Meredith Williams said...

Has school already started for you?? Oh how I wish I could go back in time and have you for my first grade teacher! Good luck